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Welcome everyone, Thanks for checking back in with us here at Warehouse and Operations as a Career, I’m Marty and today I’d like to talk a little about Leadership, or I guess really about the, I don’t know what to call it actually, I guess the Drive or the Motivation, maybe it’s Passion that I’m seeing in so many young Associates or Leaders coming from the floor these days! The last few months we’ve talked about the Lead and Supervisor positions or those first steps into the management roles and I’m excited to hear from so many individuals that’s ready to take those hurdles or challenges head on! We have Corey and Nelson on the phone today, you’ll remember Nelson from episode 59 and we we’re visiting with Corey about 6 or 7 weeks ago where he shared a little on the transition from Unloader to Unloading Lead, today we’ll be following up with him on how it’s going for him!
Nelson, thanks for giving us a few minutes today Sir, how’ve you been?
Corey, how are you doing Sir, still excited about your new position?
We had a few questions about Leadership, and how we’re always talking about Responsibilities when we mention the Lead and Supervisor positions. One gentlemen asked “those are just other jobs?” We’ll they are, the task just aren’t usually as defined as others and theirs going to be some type of financials, metrics and regulatory concerns involved as well as, and most importantly, the Human Capitol or the employee’s to take care of. For those reasons the Responsibility word is going to pop up quite frequently!
I was reading an article this week, not actually on Leadership but I thought it was worth mentioning today as we’re talking about our Successes! I believe these points can be used by all of us that want more, are looking to get noticed by our bosses and are wanting more growth, and I’m sure our guest have experienced one of these points too! I think I’ve read it before and we may have even spoke to some of it’s points here, but I’d like to go over a couple of them today. The article is called “9 Things That Are Holding You Back From Success”
from inc.com By Lolly Daskal. I’ll add the link to todays show notes, but I’d like to review her points real quick too. https://www.inc.com/lolly-daskal/9-things-that-will-keep-you-from-being-successful.html
- Envy. Sometimes described as the art of counting another’s blessings instead of your own, envy destroys success. The more you can focus on what you have rather than what you don’t have, the happier and more successful you can become. Envy is an illusion; someone else’s good fortune takes nothing away from you.
- Perfectionism. Self-abuse of the highest order, perfectionism is not a quest for the best but allowing yourself to be governed by the harshest voice in your head–the one that tells you you’ll never be good enough. Perfectionism doesn’t just hamper success but can also lead to anxiety, depression and paralysis of our best achievements.
- Comparison. Successful people don’t compare themselves to others. They know it’s a waste of time and energy, because, as you may already have noticed, no one else is like you. Compare yourself only to where you’ve come from and where you aspire to be.
- Blaming. Our lives, our success, our achievements are what we make of ourselves, so blaming others when things don’t go right is just wrong. Spend your time and energy fixing the problem instead of blaming others. Blame is just a lazy way of making sense of failures and mistakes.
- Self-doubt. Whenever you find yourself doubting how far you can go, just remember how far you have come–everything you have faced, all the battles you have won, all the fears you have overcome. Don’t allow self-doubt to keep you down, because nothing’s more effective at keeping you anchored in one place and unable to move forward.
- Fear. If you’re afraid of failing, you’re most likely fearful to act. Fear is only the mind’s way of saying that there’s something important for you to overcome, so don’t allow it to stand in the way of your success. Risks and dangers are real, but fear is a choice. Overcome it and you can move forward stronger, wiser and smarter.
- Distraction. Distraction is an ever-present temptation, waiting just a few steps or clicks away. But if you want to succeed you must starve your distractions and feed your focus. Instead of momentary enjoyment, learn the deep satisfaction that comes with maintaining steady action and getting things done. Don’t let the noise of the world keep you from hearing the voice of your own success.
- Safety. Most people will say they don’t regret the things they have done but the things they didn’t do when they had the chance; “oops” comes and goes but “if only…” does lasting damage. Life is too short to wake up in the morning with regrets. if you want to succeed, take chances and be bold.
- Procrastination. Hands down, procrastination is our favorite form of self-sabotage. Every day you spend procrastinating is another day spend worrying about what you need to get done, so that, as the saying goes you end up putting off until the day after tomorrow what should have be done the day before yesterday. Discipline yourself to banish procrastination and you will have taken a massive step toward success.
Nelson, any of those points ring any bells?
How about you Corey, how many of these points can you relate too?
I think over the years I’ve struggled with all 9 of these, I think Distraction is my strongest challenge, I fight it over and over again! I get too many projects going, oh and our cell phones, I’m checking the news, flip board, Facebook, our Twitter feed on and then there’s all the text messages I have to get caught up on at breaks and lunch!
Several years ago one of my mentors told me Mobile Phones we’re going to ruin the workforce and that was before our smart phones were ever invented, Distraction is my Kryptonite Guys!
Nelson, so coagulations on your recent promotion. So what are some of the additional responsibilities of your new position?
So, you’ve ran a large scale unloading facility, having several Unloaders and 3 Supervisors as well as a number of clerks and hourly associates under you. Many of us would have thought, Man I’ve made it now! Why are you still reaching, where are you heading?
Is that motivation?
Could you share with us when you put your plan together, are you actually working off a plan or taking steps towards a goal or did these positions just land in your lap?
Are Mentor’s a part of your success, did you reach out to someone or group of people? Where are you getting this drive from?
Do you find any challenges being so driven or because your driven does it come easy to you?
Cory, so What’s up my Friend?
So how has the Crew reacted to your promotion, and how have you adjusted to them in your new position. Those relationships change.
How have you adjusted to any new responsibilities, it’s a bit more weight to carry around isn’t it?
Give us a couple of the Con’s and Pro’s of first line management Sir.
So what do you think of your move, a good decision? And for the Family?
Share some advice to those of us thinking or planning on just such a move?
Nelson, Any parting advice or motivational words of wisdom for us as young associates or leaders?
Gentlemen, I’d like to thank both of you for your time today, we really enjoy learning from those that’s living the life and working on their Plan and Goals! Now neither of you are off the hook, I’ll be reaching back out to both of you to get some more of that growth knowledge from time to time right?
I was watching a video this morning from our YouTube friend Raymond Harlall, he was at a Presenters Conference with Les Brown and Les was talking about being Hungry for success and like I said earlier I’m so excited to be meeting so many new comers to our Industry and the Hunger they have for advancement, just like the two gentlemen we spoke with today, they’re going to succeed because their hungry for it! Like Les said in the video you’ll fail your way to success. I think any Manager or Leader will tell you that’s a true statement! I’ll add that link to today’s notes in case you’d like to catch it! It’s a great watch!
Raymond’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=raymond+harlall
I’m sure we all learned something today, I know I did, and I want to thank each of you, our listeners for checking in with us here at WAOC, please shoot us an email to host@warehouseandoperationsasacareer.com with any questions from today’s episode or with suggestions on topics that you’d like us to research for you! Our Facebook and Twitter feeds are another great source to interact with others in the warehousing, transportation or Operations fields, where we can be found using @whseandops! If you’re an equipment operator be sure to check out and join the Warehouse Equipment Operators Community Group on Facebook too, it’s getting to be pretty active as well! Until next week, let’s all speak up at our next start up meeting and point out at least one Safety Practice we know could be improved upon!